Signs from Above: The Importance of Asking for Divine Guidance

Posted by Beth Ann Kennedy on

 Asking for and Receiving Signs

Asking for and receiving “signs” from the universe has become a global practice. Getting a sign is like a nod from the universe (or Spirit or God or however you perceive the source to be). It often means you are on the right path or something is correct for you. Signs act like divine validation of what you wonder about. In this context, people from all walks of life receive signs. They give us the assurance of support and connection to something bigger than ourselves. They help us move forward, especially when feeling low or uncertain. Working with signs and even bumping up against them in your practice more frequently can be an important indication that you are making better choices. It also reminds you of your connection to the Universe.

Not a One-Size-Fits-All

Signs appear in many different forms, and there are various reasons people seek them. Those who have lost a loved one may look for signs as reassurance that the one who has crossed over is ok. Others may want confirmation that they are making good choices in life. Some people desire validation that the people around them are okay or not okay to be around.

The need for a sign can arise at critical moments in life, especially when there is a difficult decision to make. Choices that may not be socially acceptable or one that has a significant impact on yourself or your family can open the desire for external validation. During these pivotal moments, signs can be received if you ask and pay attention. It could be as nuanced as a hawk that flies over you or finding a feather on a walk. Your sign can also be “big” and feel like a strong current of energy moving through the body, giving you a sense of knowing something.

People also gravitate toward mystical numbers – the 111, 1234, 888, etc. There are numerology people, those who see things in dreams and then watch the scene unfold in waking life, and those who experience Déjà vu. These are all signs from the universe that you’re on the right path. Déjà vu is especially telling. If you feel a moment is something that’s already occurred, it’s 100% a big sign.

Ask and You Shall… you know the rest!

Sometimes, signs from the universe happen naturally. Other times they occur when a person explicitly asks. The balance of both is pleasant. Personally, I like to allow Spirit to intervene in my life and show me things or really let me know that something’s coming, such as an important day. I pay attention to animals, as they are prevalent signs for me. Sometimes images come to me as signs. Odd synchronicities lineup, showing me what direction I need to go. Sometimes I have to ask for signs as guidance.

Usually, meditation is how I get my information. Asking for a sign in the way that feels most comfortable to you is very important. It’s also essential to be very clear in what you’re wondering about. General questions like “show me I’m on the right path” can often result in slow answers– so be specific! You might also get a sign about separate issues, such as an answer regarding relationship issues, your career path, or your spiritual path. It’s not always a pointed response. Give the universe a better opportunity to work for you by knowing what to ask for.

You don’t want to be overly specific, especially if you’re very into details or experience OCD tendencies. It’s just about deciding where you are and what needs to be on the ballot when you ask for a sign.

Always Go Within

Remember to pay attention to what works for you. Perhaps you have a friend that sees numbers or animals all the time, and you desire signs in similar forms. Those methods might not be the best for you, so pay attention to where and how your signs show up and what you spontaneously experience. It doesn’t have to be one thing – signs can be both physical and energetic. When I’m giving a reading and a deceased relative wants to come through, I often see a flash of light next to my client. I realize then that someone wants to talk with my client. Always find the thing that works for you.

Finally, I want to note something important to consider. It’s wonderful to ask for signs and develop a relationship with the universe, but it’s essential to listen to the intuition inside of you. Sometimes we can go too far and seek external validation too often, turning almost anything into a “sign.” Learn to listen during your experiences – the stronger a true sign is, the more your body reacts to it.

As you feel things more deeply, it becomes easier to avoid asking for signs too often. Try not to avoid the facts of a given situation. It’s important not to become ungrounded or unpractical. You want a nice balance between being grounded in physical reality and being open to the spiritual realm. Working with signs truly is this middle ground between these extremes and can give you the reassurance you need along your path.


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